CKS Parent-Student Handbook
Our Community
Christ the King Catholic School opened for the 135th year on September 1, 2021. We continue a proud tradition and responsibility for Catholic education in the greater Rutland area as part of Rutland Catholic Schools.
The School Board, Administration, Faculty, and Staff of Christ the King Catholic School welcome each family to our community. This handbook has been prepared to provide you with important information regarding school policies, rules, and procedures. It has been reviewed and approved by Christ the King Catholic School Board.
Parents share the responsibility for their children’s understanding of the philosophy of the school and the rules that flow from that philosophy. Therefore, they are asked to discuss this handbook with their child(ren). In this way, parents/guardians share in the life and growth of the students in the setting of Christ the King Catholic School.
Students and parents are to sign and return the attachment, entitled Agreement (also available in the office), during the first week of school. This form indicates that both parents and students have read and discussed the contents of this handbook and agree to be governed by it. Please sign a separate form for each student.